Membership Overview

Membership with AusBG provides you with access to a highly engaged membership base of business leaders, decision makers and volunteers from the Australian community, all of whom have a broad influence across Abu Dhabi and the region.
Membership Packages
We welcome new members with links to Australia, including businesses through employees, agents, or joint venture partners, who are interested in growing Australian interests within Abu Dhabi.
Exclusive 50 Club
perfect for corporations
who we are
Membership with Australian
Business Group provides you with:
Access to a highly engaged membership base of business leaders, decision makers and volunteers from the Australian Business Group
A community, all of whom have
much broader influence
Up to date business networking
and events information via
newsletters, social media,
website, events, and more
Membership benefits and
discounts year round
General and event specific opportunities are available all year round, including but not limited to:

Diplomatic events
Knowledge events
Online Webinars
Networking events
Sporting events
Australian Story events
Roundtables industry
or state specific
Taste of Australia
Current Corporate members:

Links and Resources
Business between Australian & the Middle East
Australian Embassy in the UAE
Austrade Middle East
Government of Western Australia (GoWA)
Trade and Investment Queensland
The Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Living in the Middle East
Australian Passports
Aussies Abroad
Gulf News
The National Newspaper
Time Out Abu Dhabi
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