perfect for corporations

Allows 4 members of your organisation to be members with all benefits of an individual membership. Also allows the flexibility for the nominated individual memberships to be updated and transferred should any of them leave during the period of the membership.
Suitable for:
Corporations looking to allow multiple members from within their organisation.
2625 AED per year
Including VAT
Corporate member benefits include:
Business networking opportunities with contacts from over 20 industry sectors
Australian community networking opportunities
Assistance with links to key industry and government bodies in the UAE and GCC
Trade and business forums and roadshow
Engaging calendar of business and social events
Complimentary access to selected & exclusive events
inc. Annual AusBG AGM & Christmas event
Company logo featured on AusBG website
Company feature in AusBG monthly online newsletter
Company inclusion in AusBG social media platforms
Event webinar opportunities
Access to our online membership directory
Online monthly newsletter subscription
Upgrade for Australian companies to be included in the 50 Club
Access to all member discounts
Includes ALL the benefits of an individual membership
suited for all
Other Membership Packages

perfect for Australian owned/operated business